Chief Instructor/Dojo-cho – ASU Godan

Krumroy Sensei started his journey in Aikido with an Introduction to Aikido class at Cleveland State University. Taken by the movement and subtle techniques he continued for several quarters and in 1996 he began studying full time.
In 2010 Krumroy Sensei relocated to Columbus, Ohio where he studied at the Aikido School of Central Ohio. There he continued leading classes in both the adult and junior program. As he continued to grow in his dojo practice, he also explored Aikido seminars throughout the nation, and even had a chance to practice at Hombu Dojo.
In 2014 he was awarded the rank of 4th degree black belt by Mitsugi Saotome Shihan. In 2017 Krumroy Sensei returned to Cleveland and began practicing at the Lakeshore Aikido school with Betsy O’Donnell Sensei. In 2021, at the annual Kagami Biraki celebration, he was awarded the rank of Godan, 5th degree black belt. In 2022, Krumroy Sensei assumed the role of dojo-cho of Lakeshore Aikido.

Among Krumroy Sensei’s other influential instructors are Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan, Wendy Whited Shihan and Tres Hoffmeister Shihan.
Krumroy Sensei values making class enjoyable and (hopefully) a learning experience building upon a concept or theme connected to a technique or basic movement. He enjoys the movement or ukemi aspect of training. He often emphasizes connection, giving good energy with an attack, as well as, keeping your body soft and supple to allow for a more ‘forgiving’ impact when connecting to the mat. This can often lead to a greater sense of control over the body and a longer lasting practice with fewer body aches and pains.
“Focusing on being present in your practice brings about a greater connection to you and your partner and therefore a greater understanding of your technique and movements.”
“The energy you put into your training and instruction is given back by the students who participate in class, which makes for a strong Dojo community.”