(Note: If you will be practicing with us for the first time, please also show up a few minutes early to introduce yourself, sign a waiver, and to warm up. Bring sweats or other loose-fitting exercise clothing.)
Free Trial: Your first lesson in Aikido is free.
Month-to-month Membership: $75.00 per month
Tuition is paid on a monthly basis due the first of the month.
Note: No serious student will be turned away due to financial hardship. Sliding scale is available at the discretion of the head instructor.
Mat Fees
Visiting aikidoka, regardless of affiliation, are welcome to train for a mat fee of $20 per session.
Organizational Fees
Lake Shore Aikido is part of the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba, an international organization which provides instruction, guidance, accreditation, and promotion exams to our instructors and students. Each student is required to become a member of this organization.
Aikido Schools of Ueshiba Membership (Annual): $45.00 (collected once per year in January)